diff options
-rw-r--r-- | floors.json | 11 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | public/index.html | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | public/js/rogue.js | 59 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | public/styles/simple.css | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | rogue-server.js | 121 |
5 files changed, 142 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/floors.json b/floors.json index 5a5e01c..db5f9e3 100644 --- a/floors.json +++ b/floors.json @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ -[ +{ + "maps":[ "***************************************************************************************************** *** *** ** ** ***************** * ******* *** ***** **** * * ** *** *** ** **** * * ******* * * ****** ********* *** * * * ** ** * ** ***** * ***** * ** *** ****** * **** ** * ** *** * ***** * * * *** ** ** *** * **** **** ** **** ** ***** * * **** * ** * ****** *** * * < * ******* * *** **** * * **** * ** **** * ** ****** *** * ** ******* * ** **** * * ******* * *** **** * *** ** * *** * ********** ** ****** ***** ****** * *** ***** * ***** *** * ** **** **** * *** ** *********** ****** * *** ****** ***** ** * ** **** *** *** *** ** ******* ** *** ** * *** ****** * * * * ** * *** **** ****** *** ** ** * ** * ***** ** ******* *** ** ** * * * * * **** ** *** ** **** * * *** *** * *** * *** ** ** *** ***** * *** ****** * ** ** *** *** * **** *** ** 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* * * ** *** * *** *** ** * * * * < **** * * * * * **** * ** * ******** **** ** ********* **** * *****************************************************************************************************", "***************************************************************************************************** * ***** * ** ********** ****** ****** **** ****** ** **************** ********** ** ******* * ** ******* ******** * ** *** * *** * ****** ******** * ****** ** ********** ** ****** ******** * * * * * ****** **** ** ********** ********* ********** ** **** **** ** > * ** **** * ** * ******* ******* ******* *** ** **** * *** * ** * ** ** ***** ** ** **** * *** * ***** **** * * * * ****** **** ** * ****** ** **** **** * ** * * * ***** ** **** * ** ***** **** ** **** **** * *** *** ** * * ***** * ** *** * * ** * * **** *** * ***** *** ** * ** ****** *** < * * * ** *** ** ** * * * *** * * ***** ** ** * ** ** ***** ** * *** * ** **** * ** ** ** ** ** * * ** ** ** ** ** *** *** * * * ***** * * * 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****** ******** ** * **** * * ** * *** ****** ******** * * ** ****** *** **** *** **** ** * * * * * ****************** * ** ****** ** ** * * *** ** * * * * *** ** *********** *** ** * * ** ** **** *** * * * * * * ** ** ********** *** ** **** ****** * *********** * * ** * *** * *** ** * ********** ***** ** ******* ***** ** ********* ** * ***** * *** * ******* *** **** **** ***** **** ***** **** * * ************ *** ** *** ******* ******** ***** ***** ** * ** ***** * * ***** *** ** * ** * *** * * ***** ** ********** *** ***** ********* ** ****** ***** *****************************************************************************************************" -] +], + "stairs":[ + {"dx":44, "dy":30, "ux":77, "uy":5}, + {"dx":68, "dy":9, "ux":33, "uy":37}, + {"dx":55, "dy":4, "ux":64, "uy":9} + ] +} diff --git a/public/index.html b/public/index.html index e8adc13..47bcec0 100644 --- a/public/index.html +++ b/public/index.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <div class="center"> <h1>rogue.js</h1> </div> + <pre id="messages" style="height: 100px; overflow: scroll"></pre> <canvas id="gameboard" class="center" width="512" height="416"></canvas> <div class="center"> <table class="center"> @@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ </tr> </table> </div> - <pre id="messages" style="height: 400px; overflow: scroll"></pre> <footer><p>© Matt Kohls, 2019</footer> <script src="js/rogue.js"></script> </body> diff --git a/public/js/rogue.js b/public/js/rogue.js index d627c18..3564103 100644 --- a/public/js/rogue.js +++ b/public/js/rogue.js @@ -242,20 +242,36 @@ function drawInitialBoard() { drawSprite(nothing, i, j, false); } } - for(var i = 5; i < 30; i++) { - for(var j = 2; j < 10; j++) { - drawSprite(dirt, i, j, false); - } - } for(var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { drawSprite(wall[0], i, 0, false); - drawSprite(wall[1], i, 25, false); + drawSprite(wall[0], i, 25, false); } for(var j = 0; j < 26; j++) { - drawSprite(wall[2], 0, j, false); - drawSprite(wall[2], 31, j, false); + drawSprite(wall[0], 0, j, false); } + drawSprite(players[0], 4, 7, false); + renderText("This is you", 6, 7); + drawSprite(players[1], 4, 8, false); + renderText("These are other players", 6, 8); + drawSprite(zombie, 4, 9, false); + renderText("Watch out for monsters", 6, 9); + + drawSprite(stairsup, 4, 11, false); + drawSprite(stairsdown, 4, 12, false); + renderText("Stairs allow you to move", 6, 11); + renderText("between floors", 6, 12); + + drawSprite(potion, 4, 14, false); + renderText("Using a potion heals you", 6, 14); + drawSprite(sword, 4, 15, false); + renderText("Moving into someone attacks", 6, 15); + renderText("them", 6, 16); + + drawSprite(staff, 4, 18, false); + renderText("Find the staff and return", 6, 18); + renderText("to the surface", 6, 19); + drawPlayerInfo(); } @@ -305,7 +321,22 @@ function drawMap() { if(mobs[i].floor == player.floor) { var mobx = mobs[i].x - player.x; var moby = mobs[i].y - player.y; - drawSprite(players[1], 11 + mobx, 13 + moby, false); + var sprite; + switch(mobs[i].type) { + case "player": + sprite = players[1]; + break; + case "zombie": + sprite = zombie; + break; + case "slime": + sprite = slime; + break; + default: + sprite = rat; + break; + } + drawSprite(sprite, 11 + mobx, 13 + moby, false); } } @@ -468,6 +499,16 @@ function renderText(message, x, y) { sprite = indexSprite(lower, character - 97); } else if(character == 45) { sprite = indexSprite(symbol, 21); + } else if(character == 43) { + sprite = indexSprite(symbol, 20); + } else if(character == 46) { + sprite = indexSprite(symbol, 5); + } else if(character == 44) { + sprite = indexSprite(symbol, 6); + } else if(character == 33) { + sprite = indexSprite(symbol, 7); + } else if(character == 63) { + sprite = indexSprite(symbol, 8); } // TODO: Add other symbols } diff --git a/public/styles/simple.css b/public/styles/simple.css index 490e115..f342e78 100644 --- a/public/styles/simple.css +++ b/public/styles/simple.css @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ p { } table, th, td { - border: 1px solid black; + border: 0px solid black; } th, td { diff --git a/rogue-server.js b/rogue-server.js index 4978895..717669b 100644 --- a/rogue-server.js +++ b/rogue-server.js @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ class Item { get name() { var name = ""; - if(this._bonus > 0) { + if(this._bonus >= 0) { name = name + "+" + this._bonus; } else if(this.bonus < 0) { - name = name + "-" +this._bonus; + name = name + this._bonus; } return name; } @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Action { class Mob { - constructor(strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, level, location, uuid) { + constructor(strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, level, location, uuid, type) { this.strength = strength; this.dexterity = dexterity; this.constitution = constitution; @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ class Mob { this.weapon = null; this.staff = null; this._uuid = uuid; + this._type = type; } stats() { @@ -209,6 +210,8 @@ class Mob { get uuid() { return this._uuid; } + get type() { return this._type; } + attack(type) { if(type == "weapon") { if(this.weapon != null) { @@ -283,6 +286,14 @@ class Mob { return "Aquired: " + item.name; } } + + hasStaff() { + if(this.staff != null) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } } /** Turn generation **/ @@ -355,20 +366,30 @@ function move(mob, dir) { location.x = location.x + 1; break; case '.': - var symbol = floors[location.floor].charAt(location.y * 100 + location.x); + var symbol = floors.maps[location.floor].charAt(location.y * 100 + location.x); if(symbol == '>') { - location.floor = location.floor + 1; - if(location.floor > floors.length - 1) { - return "Already at bottom floor"; + var newfloor = location.floor + 1; + if(newfloor > floors.maps.length - 1) { + if(mobs[mob].hasStaff()) { + return "You look again, but you already found the staff"; + } else { + mobs[mob].pickUp(new Item(5, "staff")); + return "Hiding behind the fake stairs was THE STAFF! Return through the stairs on the top floor!"; + } } - mobs[mob].location = location; + mobs[mob].location = new Location(floors.stairs[newfloor].ux, floors.stairs[newfloor].uy, newfloor); return "Go down the stairs"; } else if(symbol == '<') { - location.floor = location.floor - 1; - if(location.floor < 0) { - return "Already at top floor"; + var newfloor = location.floor - 1; + if(newfloor < 0) { + if(mobs[mob].hasStaff()) { + // TODO: Add some flag for exiting dungeon + return "You exit the dungeon, wielding THE STAFF!"; + } else { + return "You don't want to give up finding the staff already"; + } } - mobs[mob].location = location; + mobs[mob].location = new Location(floors.stairs[newfloor].dx, floors.stairs[newfloor].dy, newfloor); return "Go up the stairs"; } break; @@ -378,7 +399,7 @@ function move(mob, dir) { if(location.x < 0 || location.x > 99 || location.y < 0 || location.y > 39) { return "Hit a wall"; } - if(floors[location.floor].charAt(location.y * 100 + location.x) == '*') { + if(floors.maps[location.floor].charAt(location.y * 100 + location.x) == '*') { return "Hit a wall"; } for(var i = 0; i < mobs.length; i++) { @@ -407,32 +428,36 @@ function performActions(init) { if(mobs[mob].action == null) { message = "You sit"; } - switch(mobs[mob].action.type) { - case 'wait': - message = "You sit"; - break; - case 'move': - message = move(mob, mobs[mob].action.message); - break; - case 'cast': - cast(mob, mobs[mob].action.message); - break; - case 'drink': - message = mobs[mob].drinkPotion(); - break; - case 'pick': - // TODO: Allow for pickups boi - //message = mobs[init[i][j]].pickUp(); - break; - case 'drop': - message = "Item dropped"; - mobs[mob].drop(mobs[mob].action.message); - default: - message = "You sit"; - break; + if(typeof mobs[mob].action !== 'undefined' || mobs[mob] != null) { + switch(mobs[mob].action.type) { + case 'wait': + message = "You sit"; + break; + case 'move': + message = move(mob, mobs[mob].action.message); + break; + case 'cast': + cast(mob, mobs[mob].action.message); + break; + case 'drink': + message = mobs[mob].drinkPotion(); + break; + case 'pick': + // TODO: Allow for pickups boi + //message = mobs[init[i][j]].pickUp(); + break; + case 'drop': + message = "Item dropped"; + mobs[mob].drop(mobs[mob].action.message); + default: + message = "You sit"; + break; + } } } - mobs[mob].action = new Action('done', message); + if(mobs[mob] != null) { + mobs[mob].action = new Action('done', message); + } } } } @@ -448,7 +473,7 @@ function buildPlayerMsg(character) { function buildTurnMsg(character, mobmsg) { var local = character.location.floor; - var message = "{\"map\":\"" + floors[local] + "\","; + var message = "{\"map\":\"" + floors.maps[local] + "\","; message = message + character.stats(); if(character.action != null) { message = message + ",\"msg\":\"" + character.action.message + "\""; @@ -465,7 +490,7 @@ function buildTurnMsg(character, mobmsg) { function sendResults() { var mobmsg = ",\"mobs\":["; for(var i = 0; i < mobs.length; i++) { - mobmsg += "{\"x\":" + mobs[i].location.x + ",\"y\":" + mobs[i].location.y + ",\"floor\":" + mobs[i].location.floor + "}"; + mobmsg += "{\"x\":" + mobs[i].location.x + ",\"y\":" + mobs[i].location.y + ",\"floor\":" + mobs[i].location.floor + ",\"type\":\"" + mobs[i].type + "\"}"; if(i != mobs.length - 1) { mobmsg += ","; } @@ -529,8 +554,24 @@ wsServer.on('connection', function connection(ws, request) { players.set(id, ws); device.set(ws, id); var local = new Location(78, 5, 0); - var character = new Mob(genStat(), genStat(), genStat(), genStat(), genStat(), 1, local, id); + var character = new Mob(genStat(), genStat(), genStat(), genStat(), genStat(), 1, local, id, "player"); character.addPotions(5); + var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 19) + 1; + if(rand > 15) { + character.pickUp(new Item(1, "weapon")); + } else if(rand == 1) { + character.pickUp(new Item(-1, "weapon")); + } else { + character.pickUp(new Item(0, "weapon")); + } + rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 19) + 1; + if(rand > 15) { + character.pickUp(new Item(1, "armor")); + } else if(rand == 1) { + character.pickUp(new Item(-1, "armor")); + } else { + character.pickUp(new Item(0, "armor")); + } ws.send(buildPlayerMsg(character)); mobs.push(character); console.log(new Date().toUTCString() + ' | ' + device.get(ws) + ' joins'); |