package soundchan; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class LocalAudioManager { /* A list of local files for the sound bot to play. */ public Map filenameDict; public Map usernameDict; private String filepath; private String userSoundFilepath; public LocalAudioManager(String filepath_in){ filepath = filepath_in; userSoundFilepath = null; filenameDict = PopulateFiles(); } /** * Constructor for when there is a file listing users and sounds to play for them * @param filepath_in Path to folder where sounds are located * @param userSoundFile Path to file with users and sounds */ public LocalAudioManager(String filepath_in, String userSoundFile) { filepath = filepath_in; userSoundFilepath = userSoundFile; filenameDict = PopulateFiles(); usernameDict = MapUserAudio(); } /** * Gives filepath to sound to play either from a command or when given a username * @param command Command or username to play soundbite * @return Path to sound, or "" if no sound for given command */ public String GetFilePath(String command){ String path; try{ path = filepath + "/" + filenameDict.get(command); }catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println("File " + command + " not found!"); path = ""; } if(path.contentEquals("") || path.contentEquals(filepath + "/null")) { try { path = filepath + "/" + usernameDict.get(command); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("File " + command + " not found!"); path = ""; } } if(path.contentEquals(filepath + "/null")) { return ""; } return path; } public void ListSounds(MessageChannel channel){ Set localSounds = filenameDict.keySet(); String toPrint = "The following sounds you can play are:\n```"; for (String sound: localSounds) { toPrint = toPrint + " * " + sound + "\n"; } toPrint = toPrint + "```"; channel.sendMessage(toPrint).queue(); } /** * Lists users with sounds that will play when they join the voice channel * @param channel Text channel messaged on */ public void ListUserAudio(MessageChannel channel) { Set userSounds = usernameDict.keySet(); String toPrint = "The following users have sounds that will play when they join the voice channel:\n```"; for (String user : userSounds) { String sound = usernameDict.get(user); toPrint = toPrint + " * " + user + "\t" + sound.substring(0, sound.indexOf('.')) + "\n"; } toPrint = toPrint + "```"; channel.sendMessage(toPrint).queue(); } /** * Updates the map of sound files */ public void UpdateFiles() { filenameDict = PopulateFiles(); } /** * Updates the map of usernames to sound files */ public void UpdateUserAudio() { if(userSoundFilepath != null | userSoundFilepath.contentEquals("")) { usernameDict = MapUserAudio(); } } /** * Creates a map of the sounds in the sound directory * @return A map with the filename (without extension) is the key for the filename (with extension) */ private Map PopulateFiles(){ File folder = new File(filepath); Map fileDict = new HashMap<>(); if(folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory()) { File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); for (File file : listOfFiles) { if (file.isFile()) { String filename = file.getName(); fileDict.put(filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.')), filename); } } } return fileDict; } /** * Reads in users and their respective sounds from file, then builds a map of users to the filenames. This assumes * filenames for the sounds are valid, but doesn't check for them. * @return A map with the usernames as the keys for the filename of the sound */ private Map MapUserAudio() { Properties userSoundProp = LoadProperties(userSoundFilepath); Set users = userSoundProp.stringPropertyNames(); Map userDict = new HashMap<>(); for(String user : users) { String soundFile = userSoundProp.getProperty(user); userDict.put(user, soundFile); } return userDict; } /** * Builds a property object from a file. * @param filename File to be read * @return Property object with information from file */ private static Properties LoadProperties(String filename){ Properties properties = new Properties(); InputStream input = null; File file = new File(filename); if(file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()) { try { input = new FileInputStream(filename); properties.load(input); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return properties; } else { return properties; } } }