package soundchan.BotListener; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.player.AudioLoadResultHandler; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.player.AudioPlayerManager; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.player.DefaultAudioPlayerManager; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.source.AudioSourceManagers; import; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.track.AudioPlaylist; import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.track.AudioTrack; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.VoiceChannel; import; import; import; import; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.hooks.ListenerAdapter; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.managers.AudioManager; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import soundchan.*; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public class BotListener extends ListenerAdapter{ private long monitoredGuildId = -1; private Guild monitoredGuild; private static LocalAudioManager localManager; private final AudioPlayerManager playerManager; private final Map musicManagers; private BotListenerHelpers helper = new BotListenerHelpers(); private Map > otherTasks; private boolean hasAudience; private Timer timer; // From configuration file private static String followingUser; private static String localFilePath; private static boolean audioOnUserJoin; public BotListener(Properties properties) { this.musicManagers = new HashMap<>(); this.playerManager = new DefaultAudioPlayerManager(); AudioSourceManagers.registerRemoteSources(playerManager); AudioSourceManagers.registerLocalSource(playerManager); hasAudience = false; timer = new Timer(); loadProperties(properties); } /** * Loads various properties from config file * @param properties Object holding the contents of the property file */ private void loadProperties(@NotNull Properties properties) { localFilePath = properties.getProperty("localFilePath"); followingUser = properties.getProperty("followingUser"); audioOnUserJoin = settingEnableCheck(properties.getProperty("audioOnUserJoin")); otherTasks = new HashMap<>(); if(audioOnUserJoin) { String userAudioPath = properties.getProperty("userAudioFilePath"); if(userAudioPath == null || userAudioPath.contentEquals("")) { userAudioPath = ""; } localManager = new LocalAudioManager(localFilePath, userAudioPath); if(settingEnableCheck(properties.getProperty("watchUserSoundFile"))) { addWatcherTask(new MediaWatcherListener() { @Override public void onWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) { localManager.UpdateUserAudio(); } }, userAudioPath, "watchUserSoundFile", false); } } else localManager = new LocalAudioManager(localFilePath); if(settingEnableCheck(properties.getProperty("watchLocalFilePath"))) { addWatcherTask(new MediaWatcherListener() { @Override public void onWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) { localManager.UpdateFiles(); } }, localFilePath, "watchLocalFilePath", true); } } /** * Sets the monitored guild to the given guild if SoundChan doesn't already have a guild set * @param guild The guild to monitor if not monitoring anything at the moment */ private void setMonitoredGuild(Guild guild) { // If we haven't set the Monitored Guild yet, set the value if(monitoredGuildId == -1 && guild != null){ monitoredGuildId = Long.parseLong(guild.getId()); monitoredGuild = guild; } } private synchronized GuildMusicManager getGuildAudioPlayer() { long guildId = monitoredGuildId; GuildMusicManager musicManager = musicManagers.get(guildId); if (musicManager == null) { musicManager = new GuildMusicManager(playerManager); musicManagers.put(guildId, musicManager); } monitoredGuild.getAudioManager().setSendingHandler(musicManager.getSendHandler()); return musicManager; } /** * Plays an audio clip when a user connects to the voice channel if enabled in the config file. For the sound to play, * there needs to be a sound file with the same name as the user, otherwise it won't play anything. * @param event */ @Override public void onGuildVoiceJoin(GuildVoiceJoinEvent event) { if(audioOnUserJoin) { Guild guild = event.getGuild(); setMonitoredGuild(guild); String filepath = localManager.GetFilePath(event.getMember().getEffectiveName()); if (!filepath.contentEquals("")) { GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); playerManager.loadItemOrdered(musicManager, filepath, new AudioLoadResultHandler() { @Override public void trackLoaded(AudioTrack track) { play(monitoredGuild, musicManager, track, true); } @Override public void playlistLoaded(AudioPlaylist playlist) { AudioTrack firstTrack = playlist.getSelectedTrack(); if (firstTrack == null) { firstTrack = playlist.getTracks().get(0); } play(monitoredGuild, musicManager, firstTrack, false); } @Override public void noMatches() { // Needed, but shouldn't be called System.out.println("Nothing found for " + event.getMember().getEffectiveName()); } @Override public void loadFailed(FriendlyException exception) { // Needed, but shouldn't be called System.out.println("Could not play: " + exception.getMessage()); } }); } } hasAudience = true; super.onGuildVoiceJoin(event); } @Override public void onGuildVoiceMove(GuildVoiceMoveEvent event) { if(event.getMember().getEffectiveName().compareTo(followingUser) == 0) { Guild guild = event.getGuild(); setMonitoredGuild(guild); AudioManager audioManager = monitoredGuild.getAudioManager(); if(!audioManager.isConnected()) { audioManager.openAudioConnection(event.getChannelJoined()); } } super.onGuildVoiceMove(event); } @Override public void onGuildVoiceLeave(GuildVoiceLeaveEvent event) { if(event.getChannelLeft().getMembers().size() == 1) { // If only member in chat is SoundChan Guild guild = event.getGuild(); setMonitoredGuild(guild); hasAudience = false; getGuildAudioPlayer().player.setPaused(true); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if(!hasAudience) { clearQueue(); AudioManager audioManager = monitoredGuild.getAudioManager(); audioManager.closeAudioConnection(); } } }, 10000); // Wait 10 seconds before leaving channel } super.onGuildVoiceLeave(event); } @Override public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) { String[] command = event.getMessage().getContentRaw().split(" ", 2); Guild guild = null; if(event.isFromGuild()) { guild = event.getGuild(); } setMonitoredGuild(guild); MessageChannel channel = helper.GetReplyChannel(event); if(monitoredGuild != null){ // "!" Signifies that you're looking to play a sound effect if(command[0].startsWith("!") && command[0].length() > 1){ String filepath = localManager.GetFilePath(command[0].substring(1)); if(!filepath.contentEquals("")) { loadAndPlay(channel, filepath, true); } else{ channel.sendMessage("File \"" + command[0].substring(1) + "\" not found!").queue(); } } if(command[0].startsWith("~")){ Commands enumCommand = Commands.valueOf(command[0].substring(1)); if(enumCommand =={ // Play a song or video if(command.length == 2) loadAndPlay(channel, command[1], false); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.skip){ // Skip a song or video in the queue skipTrack(channel); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.volume){ // Change volume if(command.length == 2) changeVolume(channel, command[1]); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.list){ // List the songs/commands in the queue if(command.length == 2){ if(command[1].equals("queue")){ listTracks(channel); } else if(command[1].equals("sounds")){ localManager.ListSounds(channel); } else if(command[1].equals("users")) { localManager.ListUserAudio(channel); } } }else if(enumCommand == Commands.pause){ // Pause the song/sound in the queue pauseTrack(channel); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.unpause){ // Unpause the song/sound in the queue unpauseTrack(channel); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.playingnow) { // Print the currently playing song printCurrentlyPlaying(channel, false); } else if(enumCommand == Commands.status) { // Print currently playing song with extra info printCurrentlyPlaying(channel, true); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.summon){ hasAudience = true; connectToUserVoiceChannel(monitoredGuild.getAudioManager(), event.getMember().getEffectiveName()); }else if(enumCommand =={ help(channel); }else if(enumCommand == Commands.dropqueue) { clearQueue(); channel.sendMessage("Queue has been cleared").queue(); } } } super.onMessageReceived(event); } private void changeVolume(final MessageChannel channel, final String volume) { GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); musicManager.player.setVolume(Integer.parseInt(volume)); channel.sendMessage("Volume now set to " + volume + "%").queue(); } private void listTracks(final MessageChannel channel) { GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); List queueContents = musicManager.scheduler.getQueueContents(); String printMessage = "Tracks in the queue:\n"; for (String track: queueContents) { printMessage = printMessage + track + "\n"; } channel.sendMessage(printMessage).queue(); } private void pauseTrack(final MessageChannel channel){ GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); musicManager.player.setPaused(true); channel.sendMessage("Playback Paused.").queue(); } private void unpauseTrack(final MessageChannel channel){ GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); musicManager.player.setPaused(false); channel.sendMessage("Unpaused playback.").queue(); } /** * Prints out information about what is currently playing and possibly information about the track and/or the audio volume * @param channel The channel to respond on * @param printStatus Print out extra information such as track information and/or audio volume */ private void printCurrentlyPlaying(final MessageChannel channel, boolean printStatus){ GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); AudioTrack currentlyPlaying = musicManager.player.getPlayingTrack(); String message = ""; if(currentlyPlaying != null) { message = "Currently Playing: " + currentlyPlaying.getInfo().title + " by " + currentlyPlaying.getInfo().author; if(printStatus) { message += "\n" + genTimeInformation(currentlyPlaying.getPosition(), currentlyPlaying.getDuration()); if(musicManager.player.isPaused()) { message += "\n**Paused**"; } else { message += "\n*Playing*"; } message += ( "\nVolume = " + musicManager.player.getVolume() + "%"); } } else { message = "Nothing currently playing"; if(printStatus) { message += ("\nVolume = " + musicManager.player.getVolume() + "%"); } } channel.sendMessage(message).queue(); } private void loadAndPlay(final MessageChannel channel, final String trackUrl, boolean preempt) { GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); playerManager.loadItemOrdered(musicManager, trackUrl, new AudioLoadResultHandler() { @Override public void trackLoaded(AudioTrack track) { int timeStart = trackUrl.lastIndexOf('='); if(timeStart != -1){ String timeString = trackUrl.substring(timeStart); //The format will be 1h2m53s, need to parse that into seconds and then call //track.setPosition(long position) } if(!preempt) { helper.urlToTimeStamp(trackUrl); channel.sendMessage("Adding to queue " + track.getInfo().title).queue(); } play(monitoredGuild, musicManager, track, preempt); } @Override public void playlistLoaded(AudioPlaylist playlist) { AudioTrack firstTrack = playlist.getSelectedTrack(); if (firstTrack == null) { firstTrack = playlist.getTracks().get(0); } channel.sendMessage("Adding to queue " + firstTrack.getInfo().title + " (first track of playlist " + playlist.getName() + ")").queue(); play(monitoredGuild, musicManager, firstTrack, false); } @Override public void noMatches() { channel.sendMessage("Nothing found by " + trackUrl).queue(); } @Override public void loadFailed(FriendlyException exception) { channel.sendMessage("Could not play: " + exception.getMessage()).queue(); } }); } private void play(Guild guild, GuildMusicManager musicManager, AudioTrack track, boolean preempt) { connectToFollowingVoiceChannel(guild.getAudioManager()); if(!preempt) musicManager.scheduler.queue(track); else musicManager.scheduler.playNow(track); } private void skipTrack(MessageChannel channel) { GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(); musicManager.scheduler.nextTrack(); channel.sendMessage("Skipped to next track.").queue(); } private void help(final MessageChannel channel) { String printMessage = "List of commands:\n ```" + "! - plays a sound\n" + "~play - plays audio from link\n" + "~volume # - sets the volume to the number as a percentage \n" + "~pause - pauses the playing audio\n" + "~unpause - unpauses the audio\n" + "~skip - skips to the next song in queue\n" + "~list queue - prints out the names of the songs in the queue\n" + "~list sounds - prints out the names of the sounds available\n" + "~list users - prints out users with audio that will play when they join the voice channel\n" + "~playingnow - prints out the name of the currently playing song\n" + "~status - prints out status about the currently playing song\n" + "~summon - brings SoundChan to the voice channel of the summoner\n" + "~help - prints out this help message ```"; channel.sendMessage(printMessage).queue(); } private static void connectToFollowingVoiceChannel(AudioManager audioManager) { if(!audioManager.isConnected()) { connectToUserVoiceChannel(audioManager, followingUser); } } private static void connectToUserVoiceChannel(AudioManager audioManager, String user) { if (!audioManager.isConnected()) { for (VoiceChannel voiceChannel : audioManager.getGuild().getVoiceChannels()) { for (int i = 0; i < voiceChannel.getMembers().size(); i++) { if (voiceChannel.getMembers().get(i).getEffectiveName().compareTo(user) == 0) { audioManager.openAudioConnection(voiceChannel); break; } } } } } /** * Creates a block of time information with a progressbar * @param currentMillis Current position in the audio in milliseconds * @param durationMillis Length of audio in milliseconds * @return Time information block */ private static String genTimeInformation(long currentMillis, long durationMillis) { String message = "|"; double temp = ((double) currentMillis / (double) durationMillis); int fill = (int) (temp * 10.0); for(int i = 0; i < fill - 1; i++) { message += "--"; } message += "<>"; for(int i = fill; i < 10; i++) { message += "--"; } message += "|\nTime : " + genTimeStamp(currentMillis) + " / " + genTimeStamp(durationMillis); return message; } /** * Creates a timestamp string from a number of milliseconds * @param durationInMillis Number of milliseconds to turn into timestamp * @return Timestamp in form HH:MM:ss */ private static String genTimeStamp(long durationInMillis) { long second = (durationInMillis / 1000) % 60; long minute = (durationInMillis / (1000 * 60)) % 60; long hour = (durationInMillis / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second); } /** * Checks the string for some reason to enable/disable a setting. * @param value A string (probably read in from config file) * @return True if it matches a value to enable, False otherwise */ private static boolean settingEnableCheck(String value) { if(value == null) return false; value = value.toLowerCase(); if(value.contentEquals("true") || value.contentEquals("1") || value.contentEquals("yes") || value.contentEquals("on") || value.contentEquals("enable")) return true; else return false; } /** * Adds a new MediaWatcher to the list of running tasks * @param listener Listener that will get callback during watching of media * @param filepath Path to either directory or file * @param taskName Thing to name task as * @param watchSubDirs Also watch any subdirectories in the given directory (doesn't do anything if watching a file) */ private void addWatcherTask(@NotNull MediaWatcherListener listener, String filepath, String taskName, boolean watchSubDirs) { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); MediaWatcher watcher = new MediaWatcher(listener, filepath, watchSubDirs); otherTasks.put(taskName, executorService.submit(watcher)); executorService.shutdown(); } /** * Empty out the queue of things to play and stops currently playing audio */ private void clearQueue() { getGuildAudioPlayer().scheduler.emptyQueue(); } }